Privacy Policy
1. In general
When you use our services, we collect information about you. We do this to improve your user experience, further develop the product, and to ensure that rules and guidelines are complied with.
The data is collected and handled by us, Tweego AS. The data collected from you is the one you give us when you create a user with us or information that is obtained later using the service. The data ensures safe use of the services we offer within the app and makes them optimal for you as a user.
2. When creating a user
2.1 When creating a user with the username or email option
When you create a user, we ask for your email address. We do this both to have a secondary communication channel, but also to create your user directly via it. Know that we respect your inbox and that we do not send you unnecessary emails, nor do we send marketing emails to you unless you have specifically approved this. We also ask you to create a personal username. This is to ensure an easy way other users in the app can find you. We ask you to enter your birthday to ensure that you are old enough for the various functions and services we offer within the app. We ask you which gender you identify with. This is for statistical purposes so that we can further develop the app in the best possible way. We also use this for marketing purposes. Mark that gender also can be changed later. You will also be asked to upload a profile picture (optional). This is to improve your and all other users' experience of the app and to make the platform as easy to use as possible.
2.2 When creating a user with your Facebook-account
We also offer the opportunity to create an account via your Facebook account. Then you agree that we can see basic information about you and that we get access to your list of friends, that way you can easily find these friends directly in the Steg app. This also makes it easier for you to invite friends to the app. When creating a Facebook user, we also collect your date of birth. This is to ensure that you are old enough for all the features we offer.
3. Information you provide us while using Steg
Steg’s use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.
When you use the app, we collect data on how you use it. For example, we can collect data on which rewards you are the most interested in, which pages you spend the most time on, and which rewards you spend your points on.
For iOS users: For technical reasons, to use Steg and all the services in the app, more specifically to collect points, you must allow location services on your phone. This means that we need your approval for this. Your data will not be stored anywhere. You can revoke this at any time in your settings.
Please note that we, with your consent, will collect information about your location and physical movements for the Steg app to function, monitor, and verify forms of qualified movement. You can, as described above, always revoke your consent to placement services by changing the settings on your device, but be aware that if you do this, certain features will no longer work and you will not be able to earn points even if you are walking. This is because you do not allow us to collect this information from your device. Also, note that Tweego does not have the ability to retrieve activity that has been performed while Steg is not allowed to see your location.
4. The legal basis for collecting this information​
The legal basis for the processing of your information described above can be found in the "Personal Data Processing Act." The delivery of the data described above is voluntary but necessary to access and use Steg's services. Steg respects your information and wants to protect users' fundamental rights and interests at all times.
5. How and why we use this information
We process the data to deliver the service, Steg, which we continuously improve. Here are some of the ways we do it:
Develop, operate, improve, deliver, and maintain our services.
Improve the security of our services, prevent fraud, and enforce the terms of use.
Customize our services, among other things by customizing the content we show you, including offers on the market.
Monitor and analyze usage.
Send you communication, including via e-mail. We may use e-mail to respond to customer support inquiries, contact you regarding contests you have entered, or if you decide to sign up, send marketing e-mails.
6. How is the information shared?
6.1 Sharing with other Steg users
If you opt in to be visible, your earned points and other achievements in the service, name, and profile picture will be public for other Steg users you select. This data may be viewed by all Steg users. You can always revoke your consent to be seen in public within the app under your profile.
6.2 With third parties
We may share information about you with service providers who perform services on our behalf and business partners that provide marketplace offerings. For example, if you participate in a competition, we will need to inform our business partner of the winner and statistics from the participants such as age, gender, and how many times you participated. This data, except for the winners' identity and contact information, will be anonymized, and directly related to that partners' offering in the marketplace.
6.3 Aggregated data
We may also share aggregated or de-identified information (for example impression, purchase, and redemption data) with our business partners or other individuals/companies in different presentations or sheets.
7. How long is the data stored?
We delete or anonymize data as soon as the purpose of the processing is fulfilled. Information associated with a user account will be kept until the account is deleted. Aggregated data will be stored for statistical purposes.
8. How can you manage your data?
8.1 Access and updates
You can access your personal information in the application through your account, where you also have the possibility to update most of the data. If you wish to update data to a further extent than what is possible through the user account, you must contact us by email.
Do this by contacting
8.2 Account deletion
If for some reason you want to delete your account, you can do that at any time in the application by visiting your profile. Keep in mind that, if you ask to delete your account, all personal data will be anonymized or deleted immediately and you won’t be able to recover any information later.
8.3 Revoking permissions
If you change your mind about any consent you have given, you may revoke it at any time by simply changing the settings on your device or in the application under profile or contact Of course, if you do that, certain services may lose full functionality.
9. How do we process data outside of Norway?
If we are to share data outside Norway, this will be done with care and the rules that apply. On a general basis, we the information be anonymized statistics, as described in section 6.3
10. Questions or complaints
For any questions, inquiries, or complaints relating to this policy or our processing of personal data, please write to us at
Users of our services may also file a complaint by contacting the data protection authority in Norway.
11. Information about us
The data controller for the processing is Tweego AS, a company established and registered in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises with organization number 925 182 486, address Arbos Gate 2, 0368 Oslo, e-mail: Tweego AS adheres to Norwegian personal data legislation.
12. Changes to this privacy policy
We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. Please check the Privacy Policy, available here on the Steg Dugnad Website, from time to time. In the event of any such change, by continuing to use the Steg app you agree to the relevant change.
13. Lykkehjulet
Hvem får delta?
Kun de som har betalt for tjenesten Steg Dugnad og er registrert som bruker i Steg-appen kan delta og motta gevinst. Ansatte hos arrangøren eller ansatte som har vært involvert i planleggingen og utviklingen av denne tjenesten kan ikke delta. Den samme personen og e-postadressen kan kun vinne samme gevinst en gang.
Det er kun mulig å delta en gang per mottatt lenke.
Premiene fordeles på alle pågående dugnader i en periode.
Slik deltar du:
1 Fyll ut skjema med din e-postadresse
2 Du får 1 forsøk per gang
3 Trykk Spinn lykkehjulet
4 Dersom du vant. Trykk gå videre og fyll ut skjema
Vinnerne fordeles tilfeldig i løpet av konkurranseperioden.
Husk å oppgi en e-postadresse som du vanligvis bruker. Dette er fordi vi kan måtte kommunisere med deg gjennom denne.
Arrangøren har rett til å kontakte vinneren med informasjon om premien.
Personer som bryter konkurransevilkårene vil bli ekskludert fra konkurransen.
Ved gevinst:
Vinnere får umiddelbart vite om de har vunnet eller ikke. Ved gevinst må koden kopieres og skrives inn i skjema ved å trykke på “gå videre”. Skjema må fylles ut og sendes inn. Dersom vi opplever brudd på vilkårene vil vi trekke en ny vinner.
Antall vinnere per dugnad vil variere. Jo flere deltakere i dugnaden jo flere vinnere.
Det er ikke mulig å bytte premien mot kontanter eller noe annet.
Premien blir sendt innen 4 uker. Levering skjer kun til adresser i Norge. Arrangøren er ikke ansvarlig for ekstra kostnader forårsaket av at mottakeren ikke henter pakken sin i tide.
Premiene er ikke i samarbeid med noen partnere.
Arrangøren forbeholder seg retten til:
Ved behov oppdatere konkurransevilkårene under kampanjeperioden. Ved fortsettelse av deltakelse anses eventuelle endrede betingelser som godkjent.
Suspendere en bruker uten forvarsel i tilfelle brudd på konkurransevilkårene, upassende oppførsel eller mistanke om juks.
Når som helst kansellere eller forlenge denne kampanjen eller gjøre endringer i konkurransebetingelsene uten å pådra seg noe ansvar.
Trykkfeil og utilsiktede misforståelser:
Arrangøren, samt andre enheter eller andre parter som direkte eller indirekte deltar på denne kampanjesiden, er ikke ansvarlig for trykkfeil eller utilsiktede misforståelser i forbindelse med kampanjen.
Arrangør har ikke ansvar for:
Direkte, indirekte eller utilsiktede tap som følge av bruk av nettstedet.
Virus eller annen skade på brukerens datamaskin som følge av registrering på eller bruk av nettstedet – inkludert overføring av materiale, lyd, data, tekst, bilder og video fra nettstedet.
Gevinstens beskaffenhet, utsendelse og informasjon.
Arrangøren forbeholder seg retten til å gjøre endringer i vilkår ved uforutsette hendelser.